
What Sets Us Apart

Our Story
How we're different
Meet the Team

Wealth Is More Than Money

As a wealth creator with a net worth of $100M+ your needs are unique. At R360, we approach wealth from a holistic perspective—focusing not only on your financial wellbeing, but on legacy, nurturing family bonds, purpose, and creating lasting impact. We help you overcome challenges and set your goals for what’s next.


Dedicated Members

R360 is small, confidential, and grounded. Members are chosen based on many factors, financial qualifications being just one of them. Members value the intimate nature of our organization and are deeply committed to attending group meetings and connecting with each other.


Respect For Your Time

Time is one of our members most important resources and we know your schedule is busy. Instead of meeting for one full day each month, our chapter meetings meet six times a year with social events scheduled during “off” months.


No Sell Zone

We are a member-led, solicitation-free environment. We believe in no pitching—ever. Market opportunity calls and finance-focused events are places to share knowledge, not be pressured to invest.


Genuine Connection

Connecting is a cornerstone of our membership. Whether it’s through our Interest Circles, curated events and trips, or our App, membership is about spending time together, sharing in experiences, and learning from one another.


Driven by Purpose

Purpose grounds everything we do. Our programming supports finding answers to the common member questions: “What’s next?” “What provides meaning in my life?” and “How do I make my mark?”


Family Focused

Of prime importance is family and guiding the next generation. We offer immersive next gen programming and workshops for young adult family members. We also offer programs, trips, and events for families with young children.


Architecting Legacy

Members master intentional wealth stewardship, addressing practical and emotional dimensions of the family legacy. Discussions around philanthropy underscores our commitment to making a meaningful difference in the world. Additionally, our R360 film team crafts a bespoke family documentary as a prized chronicle for each member.


Diverse Success Stories

Our members hail from a vast array of sectors (below), leaders and innovators who are shaping the future and redefining success.

Our Members’ Industries

Aerospace and Defense

Banking & Finance

Consumer Goods & Services

Entertainment & Media

International Business

Marketing & Advertising

Real Estate

Software & Technology


Asset Protection

Biotech & Life Sciences



Investment & Asset Management

Nonprofit & Philanthropy

Recycling & Waste Management

Supply Chain & Logistics



Energy & Sustainability


Manufacturing & Distribution




Interested in R360 Membership?

Inquire for Membership or connect with one of our member experience directors by clicking below

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